
Hi, I’m a creator

Hot Off the Es[Press]o

Published about 3 years ago • 1 min read

Happy Spring! Yesterday was officially the first day of spring. Oh, happy day.

I spent the morning dusting off my patio furniture and swapping out my winter wreath for my spring one. It's currently sunny and 65 degrees, and I'm writing this from my deck. Pretty damn good Sunday afternoon if you ask me.

Anyway, some good stuff happened last week! If you're a Dark Roast reader, you may know about my Red Team series of articles called Dark Side. Well this week I kicked off Light Roast, a Blue Team/Security Operations series. Exciting, I know!

Along with that, I published the first Light Roast article: an introdution to Risk Management.

You can check out the intro to Light Roast and the Risk Management articles here:

And there's much more where that comes from, so stay tuned!

On the journaling front, I published yet another journal entry on my other Medium publication, Unwritten Journal: My Desire to Be Lazy Leads to Burnout.

In this one, I reflect on the last two or three years of my life and how I find myself in a constant cycle of hustling until the inevitable burnout.

Writing this forced me to make some realizations I've been avoiding, but I'm hoping those realizations will help me stick to a routine I've found works best for me. And allows for the time I need to relax and unwind at night.

With that, here are some of my favorite articles from the last few weeks:

Thanks for reading! Enjoy your Sunday and have a lovely first week of Spring!


Hi, I’m a creator

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